Holly Armstrong

Monthly Verse

Check back each month for a new verse!

January 2025

“And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all time, a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet. For by a single offering, he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.” Hebrews 10:11-14 ESV 

The priest had to REPEATEDLY offer sacrifices, and the scripture says that these could never take away sins. Then God sent His son, ONCE and FOR ALL to take away our sins. That’s amazing! I pray this New Year brings you the hope and peace of Jesus Christ. That His sacrifice FOR YOU is worth the amazing opportunity of serving Him wholeheartedly. God bless and Happy New Year. 

Music & Book

Click on the "Buy" link next to each song to purchase from iTunes.  CD can also be purchased from cdbaby.com.  And make sure to purchase your copy of the books at Amazon! :)

PURCHASE Holly's Book, Family,
on Amazon - CLICK HERE.
PURCHASE Holly's Book, More of
His Presence
, on Amazon - CLICK HERE.


About Holly

I was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, where I lived for 28 years. I had the wonderful privilege of being raised in a Christian home. My Mom and Dad started attending Westbank Revival Center Church when I was a baby and I continued attending as an adult. I remember starting to sing in the church worship team at about age 14 when I originally joined to play bass guitar. I began to feel the call God had on my life at the age of 21 when I became the lead worshiper of the worship team. I led worship until September 2005, when my husband’s job transferred us to Fort Worth, Texas. At first, the thought of leaving my home town was hard, but as I began seeing where God was taking my husband and me, I knew the Lord had a great plan for our lives and the change would help mature and develop us as Christians. We loved living in Texas, enjoyed the home we lived in, and loved the church (Aledo Christian Center) that God led us to attend. From there, God took us to Pensacola, Florida, where we found Transformation Church. Words cannot express how much we fell in love with this church! If you want to experience God's presence like never before, visit transformationchurch.com.

Prior to our move to Texas, I taught private piano lessons in our home in Terrytown, Louisiana, and at our church, Glory Church, in Terrytown, Louisiana. I also taught private lessons and group classes at Loyola University Preparatory Department twice a week. This is also the University where I received my Bachelors Degree in Piano Pedagogy in 2001.

On April 24, 2004, I married the love of my life. My husband, Martin, is a very important part of my life and ministry. He helps and supports me with many decisions that need to be made in this ministry. Martin retired in the Fall of 2015 as a member of the United States Navy, serving 20 years. We are so proud of him. :) Martin and I have been blessed with two wonderful children that we adopted in 2010.

Thank you so much for visiting the site, and my prayer is that you learn each and every day, how to experience “More of His Presence.”

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